Getting started


Install the necessary packages and set up your project. This tool automates the process, streamlining your setup with no extra steps required.

Installation via CLI

Before executing the command, ensure that tailwind is installed. If not, follow the instructions here for installation.

Running this command will overwrite your main css file. It is recommended to use this in a new project rather than an existing one to avoid manual file additions.

Initial Setup

Begin by executing this command:

When you're run this command, it will ask a couple of questions. Like where's your components folder, utils, your main css file, and lastly is the theme you want like so:

✔ Initializing.
? Components folder: src/components
? Utils folder: src/utils
? Where would you like to place the CSS file? src/app/globals.css
? Select a base gray: (Use arrow keys)
❯ zinc

If it's all good, you will see the following:

Not sure what to do next?
Visit our documentation at:
Now try to add some components to your project
by running: npx justd-cli@latest add
      _           _      _
     | |_   _ ___| |_ __| |
  _  | | | | / __| __/ _` |
 | |_| | |_| \__ \ || (_| |
  \___/ \__,_|___/\__\__,_|

Justd Config

After running the init command, a .justd file will appear in your project. This file holds your project's configuration, including settings for gray tones, paths, and more.

  "$schema": "",
  "ui": "src/components/ui",
  "utils": "src/utils",
  "gray": "zinc",
  "css": "src/app/globals.css",
  "alias": "@",
  "language": "typescript",

Add Components

Next, use add [component-name] to include a specific component in your project. This allows for selective installation without the need for a full setup. If you need a file-trigger or even a button, this command facilitates that. Install only what you need, or refer to the documentation to manually include components. Here's how to add a combo-box:

This command will ensure all necessary components are installed:

✔ Checking.
✔ Installing dependencies.
✔ Created 7 files:
  - src/components/ui/combo-box.tsx
  - src/components/ui/field.tsx
  - src/components/ui/list-box.tsx
  - src/components/ui/dropdown.tsx
  - src/components/ui/popover.tsx
  - src/components/ui/dialog.tsx
  - src/components/ui/button.tsx

Sometimes, you may want to add components individually, such as select and text-field. You can easily do this by using the following command:

If you need to include grouped components, refer to the documentation which organizes related components under a single namespace, such as collections, overlays, and forms. This allows you to add them all at once, like so:

Using this command, you will install all components under the overlays namespace.

✓ button created
✓ dialog created
✓ modal created
✓ sheet created
✓ drawer created
✓ popover created
✓ tooltip created


You can override the existing components by using the -o flag. This will overwrite the existing files with the new ones.

Select and Add Components

You might prefer to select the components you want to include by adding them without specifying any items. Just use the following command to add components:

This command will present a list of available components, which you can navigate and select using the arrow keys and spacebar.

? Select components to add: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to
  ◯ dropdown
  ◯ dialog
  ◯ field
  ◯ forms
  ◯ collections
  ◯ date-and-time


You can see the differences between your current setup and the new one by using the following command:

You can see this tweet if you're not sure.

You can also doing a diff to specific components by using the following command:

Starter Kit

Explore our range of starter kits designed to suit various project needs. Whether you're working with Next.js, Laravel, Vite, or other frameworks, we've got you covered.

Got a starter kit for something else, like Remix or Astro? Consider submitting a PR to help expand our list!


For a simple and speedy setup with React Router 7 and Vite, try the Vite Starter Kit:

git clone my-app
cd my-app
bun i && bun run dev


Start your Laravel journey with our Laravel Starter Kit. Make sure you have Composer installed. Follow these steps:

composer create-project justd/laravel app
cd app
npm i && npm run dev
php artisan serve

Your Laravel project is now up and running!


Elevate your projects with the Next.js Starter Kit. Fully loaded and ready to go:


Interested in Remix? Dive into the Remix Starter Kit, crafted by José Miguel. Here’s how to get started:

Tanstack Router

The starter kit for Tanstack Router is available here. Start with this command:

After cloning the repository, navigate to the tanstack-router-app directory and run the following command to install the dependencies and start the development server:


Looking for a production-ready Astro setup? Check out our Astro Starter Kit. Start with this command:

For more details, visit the Astro repository.


Justd utilizes the Biome formatter for code formatting. To use the Biome formatter with Justd components, we recommend the following configuration:

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Manual Installation

To begin setting up the design system, start by installing these packages:

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.

Next, add Tailwind Variant, Tailwind Merge, and for utility functions:

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.

Following that, include the Tailwind Animate for managing animations and Justd Icons for icons:

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.

Style and Primitive

After installing the required packages, you can copy the CSS below into your global CSS file and move the primitives to your UI folder. Primitives serve as utilities for managing states, including focusRing, focusStyles, and focusButtonStyles. Additionally, there’s a hook called useMediaQuery and a function named composeTailwindRenderProps. Every component in Justd relies on helpers from this file, so it’s essential to include it!

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Classes and Hooks

All components that use the cn function will import it from the utils/classes.ts file, which provides a cn function compatible with server components. Hooks are only used in specific components like the Navbar, Sidebar, Popover, and Command Menu. If you're using the Justd CLI, it will handle this automatically; otherwise, download the file below.

Loading source code...

Simple Import

Indeed, it's efficient because the index.ts file in your UI folder serves as a hub. Even if the button and badge components are in separate files, you can import them together easily. First, create a ui/index.ts file:

export * from "./primitive";
export * from "./sidebar";
export * from "./navbar";
export * from "./tree";
export * from "./table";
export * from "./text-field";
export * from "./button";
export * from "./card";
// ...

So, here's the scoop: your UI folder contains an index.ts file, right? This file consolidates all your components for straightforward access. Simply tell TypeScript where to find it and import them as needed, hassle-free!

Loading source code...

If you're using a src folder, you can use the following config:

"paths": {
  "@/*": ["./src/*"],
  "ui": ["./src/components/ui"]


This is currently using the Inter font. If you want to use a different font, you can define your font-family in your JS or CSS file.


When you're working with a stylesheet, you can define your @font-face in your css file.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Inter';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 100 900;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url("InterVariable.woff2") format("woff2");


If you're using Next.js, you don't event need css files. Just define your font in your layout file.

import localFont from 'next/font/local'
const fontSans = localFont({
  src: [{path: './fonts/Inter.woff2'}],
  variable: '--font-sans'

Then, apply the fontSans to the body tag like this:

  className={`font-sans antialiased ${fontSans.variable}`}

Then, you can use the variable in your main css file like this:

@theme {
  --font-sans: var(--font-inter-sans), ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji",
  "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
  --font-mono: var(--font-geist-mono), ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji",
  "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
  // Your other variables

For more information, refer to the Tailwind documentation and Next.js documentation.


If you want your development environment to be more intelligent, you can follow instructions here at Tailwind Variants.

Dark Mode

Justd supports dark mode out of the box. Every framework has its own way of implementing dark mode. So you better check the docs list below:


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