

A bigger, juiced-up version of a Radio or Checkbox, giving users a chunky tap target and extra deets.


The Choicebox is an enhanced version of a GridList, offering users a larger tap target and additional details.

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If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Composed Components

When you install this component via the CLI, it automatically loads all composed components, so you don’t need to add them individually.

The Choicebox comes packed with several components to enhance functionality and provide a seamless experience.

An interactive input that allows users to toggle a selection on or off, often used for settings or multiple-choice selections.
Field's a core piece every other component uses. It flexes reusable styles, showing up in inputs, labels, descriptions, and more.

Manual Installation

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.


Single Selection

Although the Choicebox defaults to allowing multiple selections, it can be configured for single selection by setting the selectionMode prop.

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Columns and Gap

The Choicebox default layout is set with columns={2} and a gap={4} between items. You can customize these settings by providing your own columns and gap props.

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No Gap

If you set gap={0} and columns={1}, the Choicebox items will lose their individual rounded corners, and the rounded corners will be applied to the parent container instead.

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You can add icons to the Choicebox items by providing the icon prop.

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Typescript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.


This component can function as either controlled or uncontrolled. For controlled use, provide the selectedKeys prop and manage updates with the onSelectionChange event handler.

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You have selected: sm


Disable the entire Choicebox by applying the isDisabled prop.

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Individual items can also be disabled by specifying their keys in the disabledKeys prop.

<Choicebox disabledKeys={['sm', 'lg']} />

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