

A compact UI container that groups multiple actions, controls, or tools for quick access and improved workflow efficiency.


This basic example highlights the most common use cases for a toolbar.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Composed Components

When you install this component via the CLI, it automatically loads all composed components, so you don’t need to add them individually.

The Toolbar comes packed with several components to enhance functionality and provide a seamless experience.

Toggle is like light switches for your digital digs. Flip 'em on, and they light stuff up; flip 'em off, and it's lights out.
A minimalist divider used to create visual distinction between content sections, improving readability and organization.

Manual Installation

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.



By default, the toolbar is displayed horizontally. You can change it to vertical using the orientation prop.


You can disable a toolbar either as a group or individually by using the isDisabled prop.

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