

A multi-line text input field for entering longer content, such as comments, descriptions, or messages.


A textarea is a larger box where you can type in text, like your name, email, or a longer message.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Composed Components

When you install this component via the CLI, it automatically loads all composed components, so you don’t need to add them individually.

The Textarea comes packed with several components to enhance functionality and provide a seamless experience.

Field's a core piece every other component uses. It flexes reusable styles, showing up in inputs, labels, descriptions, and more.

Manual Installation

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.



You can add a description to the textarea by using the description prop.

Please enter your address


You can control the textarea value by using the value prop.

You have typed:


You can control the textarea value by using the defaultValue prop.


Try submitting the form without filling it out to see the error state in action.


When the textarea is set to readonly, it cannot be edited.


When the textarea is disabled, it becomes non-editable and appears inactive.

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