
Command Menu

A command menu is an enhanced button that opens a menu of options, making it a powerful alternative to a combobox, perfect for command palettes, menus, and more.


This command menu is straightforward and always under your control, allowing you to open and close it as needed.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Composed Components

When you install this component via the CLI, it automatically loads all composed components, so you don’t need to add them individually.

The Command Menu comes packed with several components to enhance functionality and provide a seamless experience.

A collapsible menu that reveals actions or navigation options when triggered, distinct from a select as it is not used for form input.
Keyboard and focus support ensures smooth navigation with keys, essential for users without a mouse and appreciated by power users for quick access.
A Centered overlay that requires user interaction before returning to the main interface.

Manual Installation

Make sure you also install the composed components and the required packages for the component to function properly.



While you can operate the command menu solo, utilizing sections can organize commands more effectively.

Component "controls/command-menu/command-menu-section-demo" not found in the registry.


Creating a separator is super simple—just use CommandMenu.Separator. However, make sure to place it within a CommandMenu.Section for proper structure.


The isBlurred prop can be used to blur-sm the background of the CommandMenu component. To do that, simply add the prop to the CommandMenu component:


Integrate keyboard interaction with the command menu. Note that keyboard functionality may be limited on smaller screens.

Trigger by Keyboard

Activate the command menu via keyboard commands, ideal for initiating command palettes.

⌘ /


Highlight a command item as dangerous by changing its color to red, indicating a warning.


Dynamically manage the command palette with the inputValue and onInputChange props, ensuring it stays responsive to updates from the parent component. Additionally, ensure each CommandMenu.Item includes a textValue prop, enabling seamless item filtering through the search input.

Additionally, control the execution of an action upon selecting an item:

<CommandItem onAction={() => console.log('share')} />


The isPending prop can be used to indicate that the command menu is loading data. This can be useful when you need to display a loading indicator while the data is being fetched.


Disable items in the command menu to make them non-interactive, appearing grayed out.

Hide Escape Button

To hide the escape button, set escapeButton to false. View this setup in the Command Description section.



Enhance command items with descriptions using the CommandDescription component. Be aware that keyboard accessibility might be limited on smaller screens.

Hide Scrollbar

To hide the scrollbar, set className to scrollbar-hidden. But before you do that, make sure to add this snippet into your css file.

@utility scrollbar-hidden {
  -ms-overflow-style: none; /* Internet Explorer and Edge */
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */
  &::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none; /* Safari and Chrome */
<CommandMenu.List className="scrollbar-hidden">

Indeed, when using this command palette within client-side frameworks like Next.js or Inertia.js, it’s practical to automatically close the palette upon navigating via a link. Here’s how you can manage that:


In Inertia.js, utilize the router.on('navigate') event to automatically close the command palette when navigation occurs. Here’s an example: This setup ensures that the command palette closes seamlessly when the user navigates to a new page, maintaining a clean and distraction-free user interface.

export function CommandPalette({ open, setOpen }: Props) {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    router.on('navigate', () => setOpen(false))
  }, [pathname, setOpen])
  return (...)


When using Next.js, you can use the usePathname hook to close the command palette when you navigate to a new page.

export function CommandPalette({ open, setOpen }: Props) {
  const pathname = usePathname()
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [pathname])
  return (...)

On Action

To close the command palette when an action is performed, use the onAction prop. This prop accepts a callback function that is called when an action is performed. The callback function receives the action object as an argument.

  onAction={(action) => {
    if (action.type === 'close') {

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