File Triggers are your go-to for grabbing files from the file system, acting like a digital fishing rod to hook up goodies from local or cloud storage.
Accordion is a vertical stack of headers that expand or collapse to show or hide content, providing an organized, user-friendly way to manage information.
A Color Picker keeps color values in sync across React Aria color components. It makes building color pickers with custom layouts a breeze through composition.
Toggle on or off like a light switch, ideal for binary decisions where a simple tap effortlessly changes states, providing clear and immediate control.
A toolbar's your go-to spot for a bunch of handy controls like buttons, dropdowns, and checkboxes. Navigate through 'em using your arrow keys smooth and simple!
Multiple select lets you pick more than one option from a list. It's like checking off items on your to-do list just click, click, click, and you're good to go!
A loader indicates an unknown wait time or process duration, keeping users informed and enhancing their experience by providing visual feedback during delays.