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Input OTP

The only lit, all-in-one Input OTP component you’ll find online. Easy to use, highly customizable, and packed with features.


The Input OTP component is a versatile and customizable component that allows you to easily create an OTP input field. It offers a range of features, including customizable separators, validation, and more. Shoutout to Guilherme Rodz for creating this amazing component.


Here’s the basic usage of the Input OTP component.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Manual Installation

Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.



To include a separator between the OTP input groups, use the InputOTPSeparator component.


To control the Input OTP component, utilize the value and onChange props.

Enter your one-time password.