Getting Started
Dark Mode
Visualize values in a meter, like checking your car’s fuel gauge, great for displaying measurements at a glance.
A meter displays a value within a specified range, showing how much of the total range is currently occupied. Unlike a progress bar, which typically indicates progress towards completing a task over time, a meter reflects a specific measurement or quantity at a given moment.
If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.
Composed Components
Plug this component into the CLI, and it automatically loads all the included components. No need to add them individually.
The Meter comes packed with a variety of components to make it stand out.
Manual Installation
Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.
Decimal Format
By default, the meter will display the value as a percentage. You can change the format of the value by passing a formatOptions
prop. This example is shown decimal format.
Currency Format
You can also change the currency format of the value by passing a formatOptions
prop. This example is shown currency format.