
Color Swatch Picker

A Color Swatch Picker keeps color values in sync across React Aria color components. It makes building color pickers with custom layouts a breeze through composition.


A color swatch picker allows users to choose a color from a predefined set.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here for more information.

Composed Components

Plug this component into the CLI, and it automatically loads all the included components. No need to add them individually.

The Color Swatch Picker comes packed with a variety of components to make it stand out.

Color Swatch

A visual lineup of colors, letting you pick with a click, just like choosing your next outfit from your wardrobe.

Manual Installation

Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.



The color swatch can be managed in a controlled manner.

hex#0D6EFDhexa#0D6EFDFFrgbrgb(13, 110, 253)rgbargba(13, 110, 253, 1)hslhsl(215.75, 98.36%, 52.16%)hslahsla(215.75, 98.36%, 52.16%, 1)hsbhsb(215.75, 94.86%, 99.22%)hsbahsba(215.75, 94.86%, 99.22%, 1)


While you can disable individual picker items, disabling the entire picker is possible but generally not recommended.

hex#0D6EFDhexa#0D6EFDFFrgbrgb(13, 110, 253)rgbargba(13, 110, 253, 1)hslhsl(215.75, 98.36%, 52.16%)hslahsla(215.75, 98.36%, 52.16%, 1)hsbhsb(215.75, 94.86%, 99.22%)hsbahsba(215.75, 94.86%, 99.22%, 1)