
Pull out a side menu or extra options, like opening a side drawer, handy for accessing additional functionalities.

If you are using Tailwind v4, please refer to the 2.x documentation. This documentation assumes you are using Tailwind v3.


A slide-in overlay for extra content or options, anchored to the screen edge for quick access! Originally coded by Devon Govett. Check out his tweet for more details. Want to improve it, like making the drawer's height adapt to the content? Feel free to drop a PR.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here.

Composed Components

When you plug this component from the CLI, it autoloads all the composed components. No need to toss 'em in one at a time.

The Drawer's decked out with several components to make it bangin'.


Buttons be the real MVPs, man! They're all about gettin' stuff done, whether it’s slamming that form submit or hoppin' to another page.


Dialog's a slick component used in other parts of your project that need dialog, like modal, sheet, color picker, and more.

Manual Installation

Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.


Import the components and use them as shown below, adapting the structure to fit each component.

Drawer Controlled

You can control the drawer's state programmatically.

Without Notch

Disable the notch on the drawer by setting the withNotch prop to false.

Drawer Sticky

The drawer also supports long content. Try it out!

Nested Drawer

You can nest drawers inside each other. Try it out!