
Hover to reveal details, like a secret whispering info, perfect for extra hints or help where needed.


Tooltips are small overlays that display information about an element when the user hovers over or interacts with it.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here.

Manual Installation

Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.

All these components are tight, so you gotta use 'em all together.


By default, the tooltip appears at the top, but you can change its position by using the placement prop.

The list above shows the primary directions, but you can also use more specific placements like bottom left or top right. Here are all the available placement options:

Primary DirectionPlacement
bottombottom, bottom left, bottom right, bottom start, bottom end
toptop, top left, top right, top start, top end
leftleft, left top, left bottom
startstart, start top, start bottom
rightright, right top, right bottom
endend, end top, end bottom


Tooltip rolls out the welcome mat after you hover for 1.5 secs. Wanna speed it up or slow it down? Just slide in a delay prop. Peep these guidelines for the scoop.