Number Field

Type in numbers for precise entries, like dialing in your favorite radio station, ensuring accuracy in data input.


A field specifically designed for entering numeric values.


If you hit any issues, make sure you check out the installation guide here.

Composed Components

When you plug this component from the CLI, it autoloads all the composed components. No need to toss 'em in one at a time.

The Number Field's decked out with several components to make it bangin'.


Field's a core piece every other component uses. It flexes reusable styles, showing up in inputs, labels, descriptions, and more.

Manual Installation

Sometimes, using the CLI is the way to go, so make sure you install the necessary dependencies for the components you want to use.

And next, you can copy the code below and paste it into your dopest component folder.


You can use the number field as a controlled component by managing its state externally.

You have typed: 1280


The field is in an error state, typically due to invalid input.


The field is disabled and cannot be interacted with.