Accessible React components made for you to copy, customize, and own.
Justd is a chill set of React components, built on top of React Aria Components, all about keeping the web accessible. Easy to customize and just copy & paste into your React projects. Plus, it includes Tailwind CSS for sleek styling right out of the box.
Empower your design with Justd Icons
Justd Icons is a powerful open-source SVG icon library with over 1,191 symbols, and more added with every release. Designed to seamlessly integrate into any project, they work perfectly whether or not you use Justd components.
npm i justd-icons
Starter Kit
Next.js Starter Kit
A Next.js starter kit with Justd installed. You don't need to set up anything, just run clone it and you're good to go!
Starter Kit
Laravel Starter Kit
A Laravel starter kit with Justd installed. It includes a authentication system out of the box.
Starter Kit
Remix Starter Kit
A Remix starter kit with Justd installed, ready for use in any application.
Starter Kit
Astro Starter Kit
A Astro starter kit with Justd installed, ready for use in any application.
Starter Kit
Justd Blocks
Create Beautiful Pages Effortlessly in No Time
Justd Blocks
Pre-designed, ready-to-use React components for seamless integration, customizable and optimized for modern web applications.
Premium Blocks
Looking for beautifully crafted templates to elevate your project? Browse through a collection of designs tailored to meet your needs.
Premium Blocks
Justd is Open Source
Our code's chillin' on GitHub - dive in, peep it, or drop some hot commits if you're feelin' it!